
Three-shot: Police!Allies x Target!Reader (2)

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Literature Text

(Hey guys, just by the way, this became a three-shot)
(Warning for mild blood/ violence and becoming one with mother Russia -shot-)

You spent the night in the medical office, which fortunately had a cot and a few blankets. As the night grew darker and more menacing, you found yourself having a hard time getting to sleep. Thoughts of the person after your life made you shiver and grow anxious. You woke up several times in the night gasping and shivering, a dream of blood and knives lingering in your thoughts.

Needless to say, you didn't sleep well.

The next morning you you woke up early in search of breakfast for your rumbling stomach. As you walked out of the medical office and back to the conference/office room, you noticed a door to your right. On the door read -Showers-.

"A hot shower would be nice after all this." You thought to yourself, opening the door with a lazy yawn.

The sight the greeted you made you scream with surprise.

Past the glass door, in one of the showers, partly hidden by a veil of steam, was Arthur.

The Englishman flinched at your scream and turned around, his eyes wide with shock and a deep blush covering his face.

"C-close the door!" he yelled. The door slammed half-way through his sentence. You pressed yourself on the other side of the door, holding your nose to prevent a nosebleed and hyperventilating. 

"_______, aru~!" a familiar chinese voice called, followed by Yao rushing and stumbling around the corner. (Thankfully clothed, mind you)

He rushed over and grabbed your shoulders. "Are you okay aru~?"

You were still trying to recover from the sight on the other side of the door you were pressed up against, so it was all you could do to nod your head.

"What happened?" he asked.

You pointed at the door with a shaky finger.

Yao's face grew serious. He took a pistol from its holster on his hip and held it in one hand, slowly opening the door with the other.


Yao flung the door open with a loud "HIYAH~!" and pointed the pistol at the still-naked Arthur.

"Yao?! What are you doing you bloody git?!" Arthur screamed.

A huge pink blush covered Yao's face. "I thought you were the killer, aru~!" he yelled.

"Would he really be hiding in the shower?!"

"Quite possibly aru~!"

You were covering your eyes in an attempt not to see Arthur. "Yao, please just close the door." you stuttered.

The door slammed shut. Yao sighed and put his gun back in its holster. He turned to you, a blush still evident on his face. "We shall never talk about this again, agreed aru~?"


~                  ~                      ~

Half an hour later you were seated at the conference table with the rest of the ALLIES. Someone, Alfred probably, had gone to a nearby doughnut shop and retrieved a large box of doughnuts for everyone. 

You were seated munching on a chocolate glaze while Alfred devoured half the box. You stared at him in morbid fascination. How was it possible for a human being to eat that fast?

Yao was sitting across from you, having a pass at the doughnuts and instead making use of some leftover dumplings. You were chatting to him about things in general. Your neighborhood, school, friends, anything to try and distract you from your situation.

France was seated next to you, again. He was focused on his breakfast of croissants and reading the newspaper.

Ivan sat at the end of the table, reading a sheet of paper with a small smile on his face.

It was pretty pleasant and peaceful, which is when Arthur decided to stroll in.

"Morning Gents." He muttered, ruffling his still damp hair. He stopped when he noticed your icy glare. "...and miss..." he muttered, blushing furiously and looking away.

Francis raised an eyebrow at you curiously. You turned away with a blush, trying not to think of the Britt's silhouette in the shower.

"Ohnhonhonhon~" The Frenchman chuckled from beside you, now doubt fully aware of what happened.

Alfred finished the last of doughnuts with a large belch. Yao scoffed with disgust. "So!" The boisterous American declared, thumping his hands down on the table. "We, like totally need to do something amazingly awesome today!"

"Alfred, I think you are missing the point that we are supposed to be protecting _______?" Yao interjected.

Alfred deflated. "Yeah...but.."

You got up and patted the American on the shoulder with a smile. "Sorry. Thanks anyways, Alfred." 

A huge grin spread across Alfred's face, and soon you were engulfed in a huge bear hug. "______! You are soooo awesome!" he cried, squeezing you and making you gasp for air.

"Alfred...!" You gasped.

"Put her down, you git." Arthur scolded.

Alfred complied, then looked at Arthur. "Oh, Arthur, did something happen this morning? I heard screaming when I woke up."

Arthur blushed a furious pink. "No-! I mean, if you're thinking what I think you mean, I-er- No!" he stuttered, waving his hands frantically.

France chuckled. "It seems there was an embarrassing incident by the showers, oui?"

"How did you-! I mean, what are you talking about, French dog!"

"Caterpillar eyebrows!"

"Croissant sucker!"

The two continued to bicker at each other, and China tried to mediate between them.

You wandered over to Ivan, who was writing a letter with a small smile on his face.

"Good Morning Ivan" You greeted him cheerfully.

Ivan looked up. "Oh? доброе утро, _____."

You peered curiously at the paper. "What is this?" you asked.

"Hmm? I am writing a reply to a letter I got from my sisters, da."

You blinked in surprise. "You have sisters?"

Ivan nodded happily. "Two of them. Natalia and Ukraine"

"Ukraine? Like the country?"

"Da. In fact, a lot of us have siblings." he pointed to yao, who was still trying to negotiate the squabble. "Yao has 4 siblings, all younger than him, though."

"Wow. I can't imagine having four siblings."

"Da. And Francis has a little sister, believe it or not. Arthur has several brothers, and Alfred has a brother who works here. Hmm. Speaking of which-"

"Alfed?" Ivan called. "I still have yet to see your little brother."

Francis turned and looked over. "Oh? Mattieu is still missing?"

Alfred looked a little concerned. "That's weird. It isn't like Matthew to run off."

"I'm sure he's fine." You tried to reassure him.

"Yeah. I guess your right. Oh, by the way, ______. You've been wearing those clothes all of yesterday."

You smiled sheepishly and held up a corner of your shirt. "Yeah. I was wondering if maybe you guys could drop me by my house so I can get a change of clothes so I can stay here for the weekend."

"Sure thing Dude! I wanna look for my little bro, so why don't Ivan and Francis go with you?"

Ivan made a face. "Why me?" he asked. You couldn't help but frown a bit. Maybe Ivan didn't like you.

Ivan saw your face. "Ah! I mean, of course I'll go!"

Francis magically appeared by your side. "Oui. It would be my honor to escort ____."

You held the bridge of your nose between your fingers. "Weird cops" you muttered.

~                                   ~                                                ~

"I'm telling you, Francis, Area 51 is not real!"

"And I'm telling you, mon cher, that I myself have been there."

"I don't believe you."

"vous conviennent". Francis shrugged.

The car pulled up to your house, still locked and hopefully untouched. You, Francis, and Ivan all spilled from the cop car.

You stretched. "Silly Frenchman." you muttered to yourself, glancing at your house. 

You started towards the door, but francis held out an arm. "Please, mon cherie, allow me to go first."

You frowned after the Frenchman, but let him lead anyways.

Behind you, Ivan looked at the house warily. "Something is wrong, da."

You glanced at him. "What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure, but I feel as if we are not the first ones to visit here."

You looked at the house cautiously. "I don't think anything is wrong."

Ahead of you, Francis was bent over the lock. "Oui, ______, do you have a key?"

You pulled your house key from a pocket in your jacket. "Yeah, here."

You walked up to the porch with Ivan, waiting for Francis to get done fiddling with the lock.

"I'm sure of it. Something is off. Please be quick with getting your things, ______."

The lock clicked. "Ah, got it." The Frenchman declared. He slowly cracked open the door.

As he did, you noticed a small, almost invisible wire at the bottom of the door. A snap and a clicking sound came from inside.

"Ivan, do you see-"

"GET DOWN!" Ivan screamed.

Before you could move, Ivan tackled you and Francis onto the lawn. A split second later, the house erupted with a huge 'BOOM'.

Pieces of wood and brick were hurled skyward and outward, raining down onto the grass around you. The sound almost shattered your eardrums. 

Ivan grunted in pain as debris rained down on him.

"Ivan!" You yelled, trying to squirm from underneath his weight.

Francis rolled from underneath Ivan. He looked at the house and stared with horror. "Puutain de merde..." He muttered.

You squirmed your way from underneath Ivan. Pieces of wood and metal stuck from his back, criss-crossing with burns, staining his navy blue coat bright red.

"Ivan!" You screamed, bending over the Russian.

You glanced at the house, and stopped.

Your house was burning. Not just with small fires, but engulfed in two story flames that leaked from windows and doors. The home you known your entire life was gone. Up in smoke.

"No.." You whispered, falling to your knees in the soft grass. 

As you felt tears well up in your eyes, you realized that the bomb planted, just behind the doorway, was meant to kill you. And now, because you weren't careful, Ivan was hurt.

"_______." France grabbed you by your shoulders. 

"No! Ivan!" You cried, trying to reach him, bleeding face down in the grass.

"______!" Francis shouted. You slapped his hands away, trying to reach your friend. 

"_______!!" Francis had no choice. He lifted you onto his shoulder and rushed to the police car. A walkie-talkie was pressed into your hand. "Mon cher, please tell the others. I have to help Ivan."

You nodded shakily. Francis gave you a reasurring smile and rushed back over to his fallen comrade.

Static came from the walkie talkie. "Francis?" a familiar American voice asked. "What happened?! We heard an explosion on the other end of town. We are headed over there now."

You pressed down on the walkie talkie button. "Alfred!" You gasped. "Ivan! He- he...Ivan's hurt! The house, it exploded, and Ivan..."

You felt a tear escape down your cheek. You bit your lip to keep back a sob. 

"_____?!" Alfred shouted. "Is that you? Are you okay?"

You swallowed. "I'm fine. But Ivan's hurt!"

"We are on our way now. We'll be there in a few minutes, okay?"

"Got it."

"______!" Francis called. "I need the medical kit! It is under the passenger seat."

You nodded and leaned down and grabbed the kit. You rushed over to Ivan.

"Merci. Now please get back in the car."

"B-but I-"

"Please. Get. Back. In. The. Car." France growled. 

You stepped back a bit in surprise. "Francis..."

"Je suis desole, but you're life is still at stake. I won't let two people die today."

A siren sounded in the distance. A second cop car shot around the corner, pulling to a screeching halt in front of the house.

"_______!" Alfred yelled, pistol at the ready. "Get in!"

China spilled out of the passenger seat and rushed over to you and Francis. You turned back towards Ivan, but your shoulders were caught by Yao.

"_________. I'll take care of him, aru~. You need to go. Please, go!"

You were pushed towards the cop car, where Arthur grabbed your arm and yanked you into the backseat.

"Let me go! Ivan! Ivan!" You banged on the car window as Alfred speeded down the road. "Ivan..." The house and your friends vanished from sight. You hid your face in your hands and sobbed. "This is all my fault" you muttered.

"No, it's not." Arthur muttered. "You knew as well as any of us the house would be trapped." he hugged you to him, and you didn't protest. "It's okay." 

The sound of sirens and the putrid smell of smoke dissolved into the crisp autumn air as the car rushed down the road.

~                                               ~                                                        ~

Night fell back at the police-station. Your clothes had gotten burned and torn from the incident, so you exchanged them for a pair of Yao's officer clothes, which were just a size too big on you.

You sat in the medical clinic, waiting for Yao to finish checking you over. He and France had gotten back from the hospital a little while ago. Ivan was badly injured. He had second degree burns in places, pieces of shrapnel in his back, as well as a concussion from the force of the explosion. But he was alive.

"I'll be right back." Yao told you when he had gotten done bandaging your wrist. You nodded blankly.

Once he left, you heard voices coming from nearby. Despite yourself, you crept to the conference room and hid, listening.

"We can't just hand her over like that! Even if it is for a fellow officer!"

"He's not just an officer! He's my brother!" Alfred yelled, banging his hands on the table.

You could hear Arthur sigh. "If we don't do something, Matthew is going to get killed."

"Mattieu..." Francis sighed. "Mon dieu, how did he manage to get himself into something like that?"

"It just shows what we are dealing with."

You peeked around the corner, seeing Francis, Alfred, and Arthur all seated at the conference table, looking sad and dejected. Oh the wall behind them, written in red on the notification board read:

"Hand over ________
Or Matthew Williams dies
I will be waiting at 4470 Old School Street 
Midnight Tonight
Come alone with the girl."

You pulled back and muffled a gasp. Whoever was after your life, whoever wanted to kill you, was going to kill Alfred's brother if you didn't comply?

First Ivan, now Alfred's brother.

How many more would die to protect you?

Something inside of you changed.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You were tired of being protected. Nobody else was going to get hurt because of you. 

You were done playing games.

~                                              ~                                                                   ~

"______" Yao called, coming back to the medical clinic. "I brought some herbal tea. I thought maybe it could help you calm-"

When Yao opened the door, he found a startling sight.

The window was open, letting the night breeze flow into the room. His ammunition belt, gun, and jacket were missing.

And so were you.

The cup clattered to the floor.

"Arthur!" Yao yelled. "Francis! Alfred! _______ is gone!"

And that, ladies and gents, was the second part.

I'm really tired after this. I'll try and put up the last chapter later.

You belong to: :iconsexyamericaplz: :iconenglandplz: :iconsexychinaplz: :iconsexyfrance2plz: :iconsexyrussiaplz:
Hetalia belongs to: :iconhimaruyaplz:
© 2012 - 2024 Zephyros22
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